Create calm from chaos in just 8 weeks

Press pause, reset & manage the mental load with the 8 week small group programme designed for busy mums who are ready to ditch the feeling of overwhelm & start thriving

Oh hey there tired one!!

I see you - mentally juggling all of the things.

Kids activities, School assemblies, Non-Uniform Days, Family Commitments, Household Chores, Work and that’s before you even start to think about adding exercise or “self care” into the equation.

When you see it written down it’s hardly surprising you’re feeling exhausted is it? And let’s be honest, I’ve barely even scratched the surface with that list.

How do I know? Because I’ve been there.

The day-to-day mental load of a working mum is no joke but I’ve got some awesome news for you … there is an answer, and it doesn’t require you having to find extra hours in your day.

Over the last 5 years I’ve explore a whole host of tools, techniques & practices that can be easily woven into your everyday life to allow you to press pause & reset when everything gets overwhelming. I’ve spent time refining them, practicing them & sharing them with my private clients and it’s finally ready to share.

Now you can do it too - sign up to the waiting list to be there first to hear more!